Noppiki Naranai (のっぴきならない)

Jul 20, 2017 10:28
Now I'm in a situation of "noppiki naranai" (のっぴきならない).

"Noppiki naranai" is a term that represents that you can't run away or avoid something -- you are in a pinch.

"Noppiki" (のっぴき) comes from "noki hiki" (退き引き), which means to pull back and avoid something.

By adding the negative word, "naranai" (ならない), it has come to the current meaning.

Please note that "noppiki" is always used with "naranai."

Even in a situation of "noppiki naranai," I don't want to stop posting on Lang-8.

Incidentally, this term is similar to "seppa tsumaru" (切羽詰まる), which is introduced on the following URL:







No. 1 FlyingCloud's correction
  • Now I'm in a situation of "noppiki naranai" (のっぴきならない).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Noppiki naranai" is a term that represents that you can't run away or avoid something -- you are in a pinch.
  • "Noppiki naranai" is a term that represents means that you can't run away or avoid something -- you are in a pinch.
     The above is fine in general, the correction is a bit picky. Another English idiom might be "to be in between a rock and a hard place" when you want to describe a difficult situation. I think you mean something slightly different though, as you have indicated. Just thought I would mention this though. Your sentence is strong though.
  • "Noppiki" (のっぴき) comes from "noki hiki" (退き引き), which means to pull back and avoid something.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • By adding the negative word, "naranai" (ならない), it has come to the current meaning.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Please note that "noppiki" is always used with "naranai."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Even in a situation of "noppiki naranai," I don't want to stop posting on Lang-8.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, this term is similar to "seppa tsumaru" (切羽詰まる), which is introduced on the following URL:
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thanks for posting, I learned more Japanese from you and greatly appreciate it!
Thank you so much for your correction!
I learned the new English phrase (^^)
No. 2 クライド's correction
  • Incidentally, this term is similar to "seppa tsumaru" (切羽詰まる), which is introduced on the following URL:
  • Incidentally, this term is similar to "seppa tsumaru" (切羽詰まる), which is discussed on the post at the following URL:
Great post, kanotown! Your English is fantastic!! :D
Thank you very much for correcting my post, クライド-san! (^^)